Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)
Waters Breaking Before 37 weeks of pregnancy
Here at Little Heartbeats we are all mothers who have first hand experience of suffering PPROM and those experiences differ across the board. However we are not medically trained, therefore it is imperative that your medical condition be discussed with your medical team.

Building Awareness
The purpose of our site is three-fold. Firstly to create and build a source of information and support, helping to improve the general awareness of the pregnancy-related condition, medically known as PPROM.
Research & Insight
Secondly as an appeal for donations to help fund medical studies that aim to seek a better understanding of the causes and therefore ultimately prevention of this potentially devastating event.

Women's Perspective
Finally as a platform from which to voice opinion based on real experience as to how the medical professionals involved in childbirth might improve their understanding, treatment and care of PPROM patients.
PPROM is the acronym for Preterm Prelabour Rupture Of Membranes.
This is otherwise known as when the waters break prior to 37 weeks during pregnancy. These waters, known as the amniotic fluid, protect your baby from injury. It also helps in preventing infection being passed from mother to baby.
As soon as the waters break the risks of infection to both mother and baby are high.
Therefore good management of care at this stage is key to treating this condition successfully.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)
In recognition of our efforts and intentions we have kindly been granted permission from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) to link to their leaflet which contains the guidelines set out for UK hospitals to follow in the event of PPROM.
Our Mission Statement
To give pregnant women as much information as possible, to help make more informed decisions when facing PPROM, offering support, educating and empowering women to understand this condition and the choices available to them should they suffer PPROM.
To contribute in the development of professional policies on the improvement of communication skills and bedside manner specifically when dealing with PPROM patients. To provide hospitals with RCOG literature outlining treatment and choices. Invest in Specialist Midwives who are trained in PPROM management and related conditions to support women regardless of outcome.