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Aprile's story

Aprile's story
PPROM at 16 weeks
Joshua born at 26 weeks + 2 days
I found out I was pregnant for the fourth time I was so excited!!! I have 3 girls and my pregnancies were awesome and had no complications. So I had no idea any other pregnancy would be different boy oh boy I was wrong!!!
My water broke at 16 weeks... I go to the hospital (grayling Michigan) and they say I have a UTI so my doctor told me to get over the counter Monistat.... So I do that.... They did not tell me my water broke and they did not even check.
I find out at 19 weeks we are having our first boy!!!! But my water was a little low "not enough to be worried about" so that night I fully rupture and I go back to the hospital because I was bleeding....
They, of course, do a bedside ultrasound...
There was no water in there... My doctor was very pushy on aborting the baby.......
I refused it I felt as if I needed to research and find out on my own.
I was beside myself because this was my first boy and I never thought this would happen to me. I get on Facebook and find some PPROM support groups.
I found the most helpful one was PPROM losses. Because I was able to be realistic and see how everyone coped and felt with it so I kinda could be ready. I heard some success stories but I didn't want to fill my head with doubt. The girls on there were so reassuring and caring.
I kept up and my doctor referred me to a specialist they then told me about viability and steroids that hospital was so awesome they were learning as I was! Saginaw covenant hospital treated me amazing! I was at home and I was cramping pretty bad every seven mins so we went in.
I was now 26 weeks and 2 days...
I was so scared the only people I had to turn to were my new friends who knew what I was going through in my PPROM group on Facebook!
We then did an emergency c section.
My Joshua Luzadas Jr. Was born 2lbs 2oz and was perfect to me!!!!
He was allowed to stay with me for 9 hours before God took him home...
I am always asking questions and no doctors can answer my questions but the ladies I have met in the support group have!!!!
RIP September 28, 2015, he was my everything!
And to find out.... My baby's life all depended on my miss treated UTI! Thank you for taking the time to listen to my story.
Aprile Bohm

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