Baby Lucas story of PPROM
I lost my son at 24 weeks due to PPROM. At my 20 week scan we had lots of fluid. I was to have growth scans, so just before 24 weeks I...

Baby Leo story of PPROM
Cally PPROM at 18weeks gestation and birth at 28weeks Getting pregnant has always been easy for me, but being able to carry a successful...

What if my waters break early?
My Story of PPROM by Karolina For more films see Our Chance website here, http://ourchance.org.uk/our-films/ WHAT IS OUR CHANCE? ...

Welcome to the World
Welcome to the World to all of our beautiful PPROM miracles This film is to raise awareness of when your waters break before 37 weeks of...

My Story of PPROM Twins, One on Earth, One in my Heart
PPROM at 19 weeks Birth at 26 weeks 2 days I found out I was pregnant January 31st 2015 had a dating scan in February and found out it...

My story of PPROM by mum Kirsty
My little girl Zoe was born at 24 weeks & 3 days, weighing 1lb 9oz. My waters suddenly went at home at 5 in the morning, my husband was...

VOTE for Little Heartbeats today!
❤️❤️❤️ Vote For Us ❤️❤️❤️ The Arriva funding competition is open, they provide funding for good causes to continue with their work. We...

One mums fight to keep her baby
One of our PPROM mums Davinia telling her story of PPROM, please take a moment to watch this powerful film. Each pregnant mum should...

Dylan our Premature Warrior!
Dylan born at 30+1 due to PPROM at 24 weeks. Weighed 2lb 15oz he spent 8 weeks in NICU. Such a scary tough start for him but he's now...

My PPROM blog 1st take of My Story of PPROM by Davinia
Film Take 1, My video story of PPROM & Forever by Davinia who is blessed with Faris and how Forever kept her going in her PPROM journey...