Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes;- Women’s Perspectives

Little Heartbeats are working with the Kings College London to help others learn about the mental wellbeing impact of PPROM and therefore asking our mums, and those impacted by PPROM inclusive of dads / partners and families who have endured PPROM if you can spare a few moments to take part in this survey as we are hoping this will form better understanding of how
PPROM: Preterm Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes otherwise known as when your waters break early in pregnancy before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
(Sometimes some are informed it is SROM: Spontaneous Rupture of the Membranes or ROM: Rupture of the Membranes)
Why is this research needed
We are looking to understand how women (and those close to them) have been affected by PPROM in pregnancy and in some cases the difficult decisions they have had to make or decisions which were taken away from them.
We want to try and find out what women and their families feel could have improved their care, for example any emotional support that they could have received during the pregnancy or afterwards. Please take a moment to complete the online survey.
This is completely anonymous and we anticipate it would take approximately 15 minutes.