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A group of 'strangers' who I now call family.

Taylor PPROM at 17-18 weeks birth at 23weeks

In memory of Baby Bunny our story of PPROM

Earlier this year I found out I was expecting my second daughter, a little sister for my 8 year old.

Things were going well, i had to have a cervical suture due to gynea issues but that was no big issue so I was told. I had my dating scan and was on cloud 9. The very next day I started bleeding, heavily with clots the size of my fist. 10 trips to A&E to be made to feel like a drama queen, like I was a time waster, I decided to book a private appointment. Quickly I was diagnosed with a retroplacental bleed & partial placenta abruption, the consultant was hopeful it would resolve.

Nearing Half way through my pregnancy things quickly took a turn for the worse, my waters had broken prematurely (AKA PPRROM). Labour was expected to start within 24-72 hours. Being that I was only 19 weeks pregnant, my daughter of course could not survive. I went home, 24 hours turned into 48 hours, 48 into 72. I scoured Google and Facebook for hope, for positives stories, anything to hold onto. I found Little Heartbeats ( their manta is 'Where there is a heart beat there is hope'. With out the support of this group I honestly don't think I would have survived.

When there is no amniotic fluid around the baby there is a substantial risk of serious infection, mother and fetal death, late miscarriage, and various health problems with the baby caused by the lack of fluid and prematurity. This coupled with perinatal mental health and the lack of research, understanding and compassion given by the NHS is simply devastating.

Little Heartbeats were there when I was alone, when I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry, at 2am in the morning the various times I had been rushed to the hospital, at every consultant meeting...a group of 'strangers' united through social media and sad circumstances. A group of 'strangers' who give up all the spare time they have in the world, to help women like me. A group of 'strangers' who I now call family.

My daughter Bunny was born sleeping on the 24th of November 2016, her heart had stopped and labour had began. She was the most beautiful little poppet I have ever laid my eyes on.

She held on for nearly 6 weeks, 6 whole weeks when I was told labour was imminent. I can honestly say that with out Little Heartbeats we would not have got as far as we did. I wouldn't have known to drink a minimum of 3 litres of water a day to try and regenerate my fluid, I would not have known not to take baths, I wouldn't have known what signs to look out for or what questions to ask.

I have always promised myself that I would teach my daughters to be fierce, to be independent, and that if they really wanted to they could change the world. Bunny will change the world. Through me. Her Mum.

I will fight tirelessly to raise awareness of PPROM in pregnancy. The prevention of and the care during. I will fight for perinatal mental health checks, and bereavement care (all of which I haven't received) I will be there at 2am when a woman is in the hospital alone and scared she is going to lose her child. Until we meet again Bunny, I will never stop saying your name, never stop loving you, and will always fight for you. You will change the world. Through me.

Your Mummy. Raising awareness of PPROM every day

Our precious Bunny's hands, which I will treasure forever.

Sign our PPROM petition in memory of our babies that did not make it here,

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