PPROM Awareness how it all started.
How it all started, this is our very first logo for Little Heartbeats raising PPROM awareness.
This is the story behind the logo,
The hands are dads hands forming the womb, the heart is the pregnant mum's membranes, and the baby is our unborn child.
The colour blue is the symbol of waters and purple represents premature birth.
I promised my daughter, Sinead whom I lost to PPROM in April 2010, that I make a difference to PPROM care, so far we have supported hundreds of families.
Our team has now grown and we want to help more families and we NEED your help to raise the funds so we can carry out our work and outreach more families.
This is our website due to using my own funds to have our new site created, and due to our families raising funds in memory of their babies and celebrating their miracles, we have been able to keep our website present online,
Our new site is here,
Which has come a long way from this,
We send PPROM Packs on requests to families dealing with PPROM in pregnancy, PPROM is the medical word for when your waters break early in pregnancy (see our pack details by clicking here)
PPROM in pregnancy is associated with 40 percent of premature births, many are not told of their condition and just think it is one of those things.
In fact, it happens to more pregnant women than the statistics show.
We like to invest in our packs, and into research and to raise more awareness,
We NEED your donations to keep our good work going.
We are just waiting for our accounts to be checked by our one of our PPROM mums who is an accountant and then we are filing for our charity status.
We have to prove we can raise £5000 per year, can you help us prove this?