International PPROM awareness month September 2018
September is Little Heartbeats international PPROM awareness month and this Year we have set you all an challenge to write the word PPROM out of any materials you desire, and then submit to our events page here,
Team UK, by Founder Ciara Curran

Team Canada, By Lara

My PPROM Challenge Photo by Lara:
I included some of the items that we provide in our PPROM packs: one of the Heartbeat Monkeys we send out to our PPROM mums, coloring books, checklists stickers, LHB Wristbands, Heartbeat Animal hearts, pencil sharpeners, and tags for our Heartbeat animals that list both a PPROM Miracle and a PPROM Angel.
I also included my LHB PPROM Miracle magnet and button, but also in the middle is safety training book. I didn’t realize what was happening at the time, but my water started to leak while I was in this class for work. When it was done for the day, I walked up to my office, threw this book on my desk and went straight to the hospital. I PPROM’d at 29 weeks and delivered our son at 35+1 Weeks. I never ever imagined I wouldn’t be back until months later. This book stayed in that same spot on my desk until I came back to work.