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Advised to terminate @22wks & 4days gestation

My story of hope by mum Larissa

PPROM @ 22 weeks and 4 days gestation Age now; 3 yrs

Meet baby Greyson

Greyson is now 3 year's old after we were advised to terminate him by medical staff at 22 weeks and 4days gestation because my waters had gone.

They told me all the worst case scenarios but not any of the good outcomes.

They told me I would catch an infection that wouldn't take only my unborn baby from me but me from my then 1 and a half year old daughter.

It wasn't until I found this group "Little Heartbeats" I fought back and told them where there's heartbeat there is hope and termination Is off of the cards.

I was admitted for 24 hrs before being sent home on bed rest, I then went in weekly for cervix and infection checks..

I had a few heavy bleeds also so was admitted a few times through my PPROM journey.

Honestly it was scary.

I managed to carry my son for 10 weeks until he was born via emergency section at 32 weeks and 6 days gestation.

He didn't need any help breathing and weighed a very health 4lb 4oz.

He spent 22 days in the hospital putting om weight and learning to feed but I have been very blessed and fortunate, he has no lasting over all health problems from PPROM.

I have medically been told not to go on to have more children so if I did terminate him, my daughter may have never been a big sister.


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