My Sofia has taught me a mother's unconditional love.
My story of PPROM by mum Christina
PPROM at 19 weeks and 2 days gestation.
I got out of bed on a Tuesday morning to get ready for work when i feel a gush of water. At first i thought it was a bleed, but after checking I realized it was clear liquid. I didn't realize it, but my water had broken at 19 weeks and 2 days gestation.

We went to triage later that morning and it was confirmed. There was no water around baby and it was advised that we terminate pregnancy, but I could not. Our precious little Señorita's heartbeat was strong and I could feel her move. I was devastated and felt to lost & alone.
We stayed in observation for 3 days and were sent home on moderate bed rest and high hopes on making to viability. If we made it to 24 weeks then we would be admitted to hospital and given steroids and antibiotics. So we went home, but we would not make it to viability.
I woke up on the morning of March 16th, 2020 to find that I had already delivered Sofia's little foot at home. My mom took me to the hospital and we were later joined by my husband.
Sofia was born on Monday, March 16th 2020 at 7:30 AM. 9 inches of perfection, 9oz of pure love❤
We held her for 15 hours until we said our goodbye. Sofia's death has left me with a lifetime of wonder, but also with a lifetime of love. Sofia has taught me a mother's unconditional love. I've learned to feel and see her in all of life's beauty 🦋 I carry her with me