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❤️PPROM @16 Wks gestation & told to abort...

❤️ Story of Hope * by mum Emma ❤️

❤️ PPROM at 16 Weeks gestation and told to abort.....

Meet my little miracle Arthur. I had PPROM at 16 weeks gestation and told to abort and that baby wouldn’t make it.

I put myself on bedrest and drank so much water, had weekly blood tests for infection and 2 weekly scans. At 29 weeks started experiencing heavy bleeding. Delivered at 29 weeks and 6 days weighing 3lb 4oz.

Nearly a full placental abruption. Little man was ventilated for 2 days, and then went from vapour firm to low flow in a few weeks. We had an 8 weeks stay in NICU and have come home on oxygen.

❤️ Arthur is now 14 weeks and a whopping 10lb 13oz and doing really well ❤️



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