PPROM - Baby loss 2020 during Covid 19 pandemic
Miranda story of PPROM is :

On April 21st I experienced PPROM
at 16 wks 3 days.
I was told by the Dr I had a very minimal chance of not going into labor within 2 weeks and if I didn't, I had a very low chance of survival as amniotic fluid is extremely important in lung development.
I found the PPROM page that day and read all about my options as well as success stories. I chose to continue my pregnancy and followed strict PPROM guidelines.
Strict bed rest, lots of fluid intake, changed up my diet, added probiotics, etc. I had ultrasounds and checkups weekly.
After two weeks my beautiful princess was still holding in there. I had reached one of many milestones I was looking forward to. The first two weeks we had no measurable fluid however at my 19 & 20 wks appointment we had pockets of fluid measuring at 1.3. I started to finally feel hopeful.
Unfortunately right before my 20 week appointment I started to bleed but it was very small amounts and only when I wiped. At my 20 week appointment I was advised my cervix was shortening. I just kept Praying baby girl would stay in a while longer.
All of my fighting ended on May 27th due to a cord prolapse. I ran to the restroom because I felt like something was coming out. I got to the bathroom and could feel her umbilical cord.
Called 911 and was taken to the ER where I was then induced at 21 wks 3 days.
Sadly my Angel Serenity didn't make it however, I can't imagine not having all of the information I was provided through the PPROM support pages. It gave me 5 extra weeks with her in my belly. If I had to do it all over again I would still decide to continue my pregnancy.
"Where there is heartbeat there is hope".