Twins & PPROM
Sabrina story
This is Luke and Link. They are 3. I had PPROM at 18 weeks and 2 days.

My boys shared a placenta so they told me that one would go into labor, and after he was born the placenta would follow and so would the other twin. I was devastated and the doctors and nurses would not give me hope. That’s when I found this group and I kept asking for the nurses to tell me it was possible. This group carried me through 4 months of bed rest with a 5 year old and 2 year old at home with me. I stayed horizontal, only got up to shower every few days and use the bathroom. I drank all the water and coconut water and I took probiotics and lay in the sun for vitamin D. They were born at 37 weeks via scheduled c Section. Link spent a few days in the NICU from low blood sugar and we all went home 5 days later.
Tiffany story of Twins and PPROM

PPROM story of hope with Twins
Tiffany PPROM with Twin A(girl) 27 weeks and 6 days gestation
both born at 32 weeks and 1 day gestation
They are now 8