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Two angel mums, unite to raise vital funds

Danielle's story,

We are two mums who both had a late loss, me at 19.5 weeks and Deb at about 16/17 weeks.

My baby name is Sunnie and Deb's baby name is Simba.

I had PPROM and she didn’t. Unfortunately her baby died and that was discovered at her 20 week scan.

My story was very different, Sunnie was very much alive to birth. I found this group after googling the day my waters went.

You helped by personally answering and supporting me through hospital visits and navigating the unknown of PPROM, advising me what to ask for etc.

The Blossom suite at Broomfield Hospital is where Deb and I both gave birth.

We are thankful that this didn’t have to happen on a general labour ward mixed with usual healthy pregnancies. It was very private and specialised to sensitively help with loss and further offerings.

At the time that was professional photograph, prints, casts and a dedicated bereavement midwife. They are accessible via WhatsApp and have accompanied me to subsequent hospital appointments and gained results for me etc There are certain supplies the suite provide like make up, moisturiser, shower gel, breast pads, baby clothes. The list is endless.

Just to help make the worst imaginable more bearable (not that you realise that at the time)

This is our fundraiser event to raise funds for these two good non profit charitable causes

Thank you

Danielle and Debs

Little Heartbeats would like to say thank you so much, our hearts break for you both and you will be breaking the silence on this condition at the same time.



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