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Cherelle's story

Frankie born 33 weeks + 5 days
PPROM at 23 weeks
Cherelle's story
My story of PPROM by Cherelle Stodart.
Frankie is our PPROM miracle and doing really well and weighs 12lb at 10 weeks old.
My waters broke at 23+5. Full rupture. Only one pocket of fluid at 1cm left. I was told would be best to terminate, as the outlook would be bleak. I refused.
I had bleeding start from early pregnancy, the cause couldn't be found.
Bleeding then got worse after my waters went, and I was admitted a few times with it as they thought it was the beginning of Labour.
I was monitored closely in the hospital for a week but it wasn't Labour.
Sent home and attended my twice weekly appointment, as usual, to have blood's ect taken.
My consultant wanted me to get to term but I wasn't happy about it and voiced my concerns, it was only when I was admitted the second time with a large bleed that he agreed I would have to be induced at 34 weeks.
But two days before I was due to be induced I woke in early hours with wet boobs and extremely heavy bleeding. I then realised I was in Labour. And called an ambulance.
I had a blood transfusion and antibiotics via a drip. I delivered him that day at 33+5 exactly 10 weeks after PPROM.
He was in intensive care for 3 weeks but is as healthy as can be.

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