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Donna's story

Kaycee born at 31weeks
PPROM at 27 weeks
Donna's story
In 2008 at my 12 week scan everything looked fine at 20 week scan was told having a girl but was also told she may have club feet and a heart defect.
I was booked for another scan but my waters broke so had to spend two weeks on hospital on bed rest with scans every day. I was told her feet were normal but heart was causing a problem but they would not know until she was born.
I was allowed home, however after spending weeks of being at hospital on strict bedrest, I went into labour at 1235 am on the 9/02/09 and she was breach so was rushed hospital for c section and was just about to have needle in back when someone shouted baby is on the table!
Kaycee was then taken by medical staff and rushed to NICU where she was put on a breathing machine however in the middle of the night I was woken and asked to go to nicu from my ward as Kaycee was really poorly as her lung had colasped and was fighting for her life.
Eventually they got her as stable as possible and rushed her to Addenbrooks Rosie hospital in Cambridge, UK.
I was told to stay at the hospital I was in, and told she may not make the journey and if this was the case they would return her back to me, but thankfully I got the call that she had made it to the Rosie hospital and was stable.
I headed over to her when I left hospital and we were with her there for 3 weeks, Doctors were amazed she was expecting to be in there for months but instead we were taking back to Hinchenbrook hospital, where Kaycee did amazing and she was allowed home on oxygen at 4 months old.
Kaycee was on oxygen till she was 18 months old and only at night from about 12 months old, was told she had Cronic Lung disease and would either go by age of 7 or have it for life.
She turned 7 last Tuesday just gone and has no signs of Cronic Lung diesease and is doing well in life one very happy and relieved mummy.

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