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Emma's story


Oliver born 27 weeks

PPROM at 23 weeks

Emma's story

Oliver was born at 27+5 gestation after my waters broke at 23+3.

I went to the hospital where they have me steroids and monitored me, Oliver was happy for 5 weeks with no water, was having weekly scans and growth scans, I had a high temp on the night of 18.04.2014 went to the hospital at 1:30 am with what felt like a fever.

Got to hospital where I was monitored and Oliver's heartbeat , was given so many drugs , then I had an infection and Oliver's heart rate was dropping , I had to be put to sleep as had a really bad infection so did Oliver.

Oliver was born at 6:36 am on the 19/04/2014 and weighed 2Ib 10oz.

He was very poorly, spent 98 days in NICU, came home on oxygen.

Oliver is nearly 2 years old and is doing amazing. He is our little miracle.

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