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Helen's story

Poppy born naturally at 36 weeks + 3 days
PPROM at 23 weeks
Helen's story
Poppy was born naturally at 36 weeks 3 days following induction in the U.K. November 2016
My waters broke at 23 weeks whilst I was at work, I rang the hospital and they asked me to go into be checked. When I arrived I was examined and scanned, they confirmed that the baby seemed fine but that there was water leaking upon examination.
The doctor explained the different scenarios of what could happen next and that I would have to stay in the hospital to be monitored over the next 48hrs as it was likely I would go into labour.
We were told that if this did happen the baby would be born before the 'viability age' and it would be classed as a late miscarriage. This was the worst outcome and just devastating to hear! How could my little girl be classed as that, she was a baby, a girl, I could feel her kick... it was only a few days from 24wks, we were in shock and completely devastated at an outcome that hadn't yet happened... we had to remain positive! I went for a scan later that day to check the fluid levels and also the weight.
We had been told she had to be at a certain weight to stand a chance of been saved if born and to our amazement, she was over this and the water level was classed as normal, we had hoped!! I spent the next 2 days in the hospital, seeing different doctors each day, each with their own way of explaining what in their opinion would end in tragedy. But we remained strong, holding on to the positives and praying that our little girl would stay put. She did!!
I was discharged with 10 days of antibiotics and a list of dos and don't:- Rest as much as possible, no chores, walks, picking up other children or heavy items, no intercourse, no baths only showers, drink as much water as possible, eat healthy, don't put pressure on the bump (roll out of bed, don't sit up/ don't wear those maternity jeans that cover your bump, only ones which fit underneath).. the list went on, but we did it all! For 13 weeks life continued like this, only really leaving the house for steroids at 24wks, the twice weekly antenatal checks and once weekly growth/doppler scans.
It was such a worrying time, not knowing what the next day would bring but thankful that with each day that passed we got closer to the next milestone- 24wks, 26wks, 28wks.. during in this time I was admitted to hospital twice, once for a high pulse rate at 26wks and then for tightenings at 33wks.
We were told that 36 weeks was the latest they would allow me to go and my induction was booked. I arrived at the hospital on Saturday and due to being a high risk I had to be induced on the delivery suite but they were full for two days until on Sunday at 11.30pm I was moved to the delivery ward, our journey was nearly over. I was induced the following morning with gel and was then given the drip later that evening to help me dilate further. Poppy was born 1.26am.
Despite having steroids at 24wks, her first breath filled her stomach as her lungs didn't inflate so she was taken to neonatal for oxygen and monitoring. She was given two days worth of antibiotics to prevent infection and we were then allowed home.
Unfortunately, we had to return a few days later due to her having extreme jaundice but after three days in the hospital, the levels were low enough for her to come home. Poppy is four weeks old next week and is growing well, having just celebrated her due date!

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