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Jane's story

Gabriel born at 36 weeks
PPROM Suspected at 31 weeks
Jane's story
So 4 months on from Gabriels birth I finally feel ready to post my journey. I PPROM at 31+4 Had awful care to the point were they missed an infection for 2 weeks as they didn't label the first swab and was rejected and second swab they didn't check results and call us. I was induced 36 weeks and had him 36+2. I had the drip and went from 4cm to delivery in 4 minutes. Didn't understand he was my baby as it was so quick. He spent 10 days in scbu with rapid breathing, sepsis and infected cord. I had requested for my placenta to be sent off but they destroyed it instead. Due to Gabriel being prem he wouldn't latch so I spent nearly 6 weeks pumping and feeding on almost no sleep. He is on prescription milk for a lactose intolerance and renitidine for his reflux but it could have been so much worse. I started going down hill and ended up having a psychotic break on Christmas eve, post partum psychosis and subsequent diagnosis of complex PTSD. I spent a week sectioned on an adult acute ward where I missed my daughters and Gabriels first Christmas together then was transfered 3 hours away to Winchester Mother and Baby unit for a further 4.5 weeks. Due to poor communication after leaving the unit social services intervened and I spent from 1st February until 25th February having to be supervised at all times with the children. Yesterday we had a conference and they voted in our favour of having no further action just support for my ongoing mental health requirements. I am heavily medicated because of the psychosis and complex PTSD but can finally be with my babies and be a mum. TODAY IS THE START OF A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY JOURNEY. Thank you for all of the support throughout this awful experience.

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