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Kristen's story

Charlee Zane Mckenna
Charlee Zane Mckenna born at 29 weeks
PPROM at 19 weeks
Kristen's story
I had a full pprom at exactly 19 weeks spontaneously with no known cause. Was told to terminate because we would never make it to viability and if we did her lungs wouldn't develop without fluid.
Did 4 weeks of strict bed rest at home. Only got up to shower, use the restroom and go to my weekly doctors appointments. Was admitted to hospital at exactly 23 weeks (viability in the United States).
I had my first round of steroids upon admittance and my second round at 27 weeks. Spent an additional 7 weeks on hospital bed rest and never had more than 1.85 cm of fluid since the rupture.
At 29 weeks 6 days infection started to kick in and I was induced.
I was able to have a vaginal birth and my miracle was born as feisty as ever on October 1st 2015 weighing 3 pounds 6 ounces. She was ventilated for 24 hours, on cpap for 48 hours, and spent an additional 5 days on nasal cannula.
After 7 days she was completely breathing on her own without any assistance. Spent 42 days in the NICU with no major issues besides eating and apnea spells. Her lungs were able to develop and she has no issues with them whatsoever.
We have been home now almost 8 weeks and my munchkin has no issues except reflux. She is now almost 10 pounds and growing like a weed.

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