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Megan's story
Kherington born at 27+5 weeks
PPROM at 17 weeks
Megan's story
I fully ruptured at 17 weeks. Strict bed rest at home with weekly scans for 6 weeks. Admitted for hospital bed rest at 23+1 until I delivered.
Emergency c-section at 27+5, chronic placental abruption. Total of 10 weeks 5 days on bed rest with virtually no fluid the whole time. Kherington spent 82 days in the NICU, right lung collapsed at birth, multiple blood transfusions, grade II IVH on both sides of the brain, pneumothorax of the right lung, oscillator for 2 weeks, conventional vent for 2 weeks, cpap for 5 days, struggled with weaning from high flow but transfered to low flow cannula three days before discharge.
Discharged on half liter of oxygen, came off oxygen after six weeks at home.
discharge diagnosis: BPD, ROP, Bilateral Hip Dysplasia
first surgery sep 2013 to correct hip dysplasia. Second surgery feb 2014 currently in spica cast til May
Kherington is now 14 months and always has a smile on her face! The only lasting issue pProm related is hip dysplasia and we are working to correct it
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