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Tiffany's story

Chyler and Brent

Chyler and Brent born at 32 weeks

PPROM at 27 weeks

Tiffany's story

It was July 2 2013 when I found out I was pregnant, and it was 3 1/2 weeks later I found out it was twins!

The pregnancy was pretty normal, at 13 weeks I was in a minor fender bender but after a check up everyone was fine. That all changed starting the night of December 15th 2013 I was 27 wks 6 days.

After every time I went to the bathroom that night I thought I was having urine leakage, but by the next morning it had stopped so I went to work.

I only called the doctor because one of my friends at work kept telling me to. So I went to my doctor at lunch ( I was already seeing high risk doctors) and all the test looked good except the final swab that tested for amniotic fluid, it was positive. I got directly admitted to the hospital on December 16th.

After a formal ultrasound the found out it was baby A that had ruptured, she had low fluid. I was staying in the hospital until I delivered. I was put on an IV antibiotic and got 2 steroid shots for the babies lungs. I got 2 non-stress test daily and bi-weekly growth ultrasounds.

I was only allowed out of my hospital bed to shower and go to the restroom. I made it through Christmas and New Years. On January 12th my water really broke I was 31 weeks 6 days. I was put on magnesium and moved to labor and delivery. Luckily the magnesium worked and I was moved back to my special care OB room, I continued the magnesium and was given 2 more steroid shots.

The took me off the magnesia on the January 14th and I had my twins on January 15th at 32 weeks 1 day. The steroid shots really helped because they were both in the NICU for 21 days. They are now happy healthy 2 year olds.

They are also my rainbow babies I was blessed to be following with high risk doctors that knew what to do because the outcome could have been different.

My twins will be 3 in January.

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