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PPROM at 15 weeks
Cheree's story
Asher Nathaniel Ritter born at 30 weeks
We found out we were pregnant on Christmas Eve of 2014. We were so excited and hoping to have our first boy since we have three little girls already. When we went to her first doctor's appointment are ob/gyn talk to us about doing the maternity21 test...
PPROM at 16 weeks
Rose's story
Nathaniel born at 33 weeks
On June 14th, 2016 at 16+5 weeks pregnant with my second child I awoke from an afternoon nap and headed to the toilet on my way I felt a huge gush of Fluid and immediately realised my waters had broken as they had broken on their own with my first child as well.
PPROM at 16 weeks
PPROM at 16 weeks
Rose's story
Joshua born at 30 weeks
I found out I was pregnant with my youngest son in June of 2013. I didn't get my first appointment until July. I was on birth control when I found out I was pregnant so this baby was most definitely NOT planned! I figured I was about 7 weeks along at the time. One night when I woke up to use the bathroom (before my first appointment) I was SOAKED...
PPROM at 17 weeks
Angela's story
Jessica Lilly born at 34 weeks
On the 17th May this year I attended maternity assessment suspecting that my waters had broken only to be told by the doc that I had wet myself. He was going to send me home and not look into it any further until the midwife suggested that they bring me back...
PPROM at 17 weeks
Ashley's story
Arlene Guadalupe Garcia born at 27 weeks
On April 22,2015 I had a appointment with my gynecologist and I had been leaking water so I asked him and he said its watery discharge without even checking or anything.
I went home thinking everything was okay. On may 6 ,2015 I went to get a ultrasound to find out the gender of my baby instead I found out my waters had went. I was told to terminate my pregnancy because I can have more "normal" pregnancies because I'm still a teen. She was given a 0% chance of survival.
PPROM at 17 weeks
Megan's story
Kherington born at 27+5 weeks
I fully ruptured at 17 weeks. Strict bed rest at home with weekly scans for 6 weeks. Admitted for hospital bed rest at 23+1 until I delivered. Emergency c-section at 27+5, chronic placental abruption. Total of 10 weeks 5 days on bed rest with virtually no fluid the whole time...
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