Melanie Squiggly Pagemom Traci Weinper Page
I was 21 weeks, 5 days pregnant with twin girls.
On Monday, April 11th, I PPROM'd.
On Friday, April 15th, I gave birth to my twin girl A (Kaylee "Lamby" Page) at 11:25pm. She lived for 12 minutes. On Saturday, April 16th,
The doctor broke my second water because I was developing a bad infection. Melanie "Squiggly" Page was born at 3:46pm and lived until 4:26pm.
My heart is completely broken and I feel so lost without my daughters in my belly. | Hope Jones-CulshawHope Jones-Culshaw mum Dannielle Jones PPROM at 18weeks
Labour at 23weeks
Hope gained her wings after 7 precious hours | Twins Lucas & Lydia OakleyLucas & Lydia Oakley born on the 11th April 2016
Mum Aimee Hall PPROM at 18+2
Birth at 22+2
no infection
Reason for labour, spontaneous birth and they were both alive for a few hours but sadly passed away |